the detour to mathematics, it’s time to complete the projection. We note
firstly that, the projection we wanted is a function, given the world’s
coordinate, returns the point’s eye’s coordinate.
we knew the axis of the eye’s coordinate system as vectors in the world’s
coordinate system, it make the inverse problem of the projection easy. Given a
point $ (e_x, e_y, e_z)^T $ in the eyes coordinate system, all we need to do to compute $ (w_x, w_y, w_z)^T $ is to apply the axis as follow:
$\left(\begin{matrix}{w_x\\w_y\\w_z}\end{matrix}\right) = e_x \vec{E_x} + e_y \vec{E_y} + e_z \vec{E_z} + \left(\begin{matrix}{c_x\\c_y\\c_z}\end{matrix}\right)$
or simply
$ \vec{w} = (\vec{E_x} \vec{E_y} \vec{E_z})\vec{e} + \vec{c} $
or simply
$ \vec{w} = (\vec{E_x} \vec{E_y} \vec{E_z})\vec{e} + \vec{c} $
all we need to do is to express $ (e_x, e_y, e_z)^T $ in terms of $ (w_x, w_y, w_z)^T $ in the
equation above. Note that the transformation is affine, so we could just form
the 4 x 4 matrix and invert it. But there is an easier way.
$ \vec{E_x} $, $ \vec{E_y} $, $ \vec{E_z} $ is an orthonormal frame, we knew from linear algebra that the matrix
is orthonormal and its inverse is simply its transpose, so we have:
\vec{w} & = & (\vec{E_x} \vec{E_y} \vec{E_z})\vec{e} + \vec{c} \\
\vec{w} - \vec{c} & = & (\vec{E_x} \vec{E_y} \vec{E_z})\vec{e} \\
\vec{e} & = & \left(\begin{matrix}{\vec{E_x} \\ \vec{E_y} \\ \vec{E_z}}\end{matrix}\right)(\vec{w} - \vec{c})
is yet another affine transformation that we can effectively code. Since the
projection matrix doesn’t change much, it make sense to simply compute the
matrix once and cache it for computing projections.
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